Transparency code and good governance

In compliance with Law 19/2013 , of December 9 and Law 4/2016, of December 15, on transparency, access to public information and good governance in Castilla la Mancha, the following information corresponding to the Institute for Concentration Photovoltaics Systems, SAU is published:

- Applicable regulations and mandatory compliance:

- Organizational structure and professional profile of management personnel:

- Information of the professional profiles employed by ISFOC:

- ISFOC Budget Information

Economic and Banking Information ISFOC

- ISFOC assets. Inventory of own goods

- Awarded grants to develop R&D projects:   See document

- Assignments and commissions

Contactor Profile 

- Supplier-Creditor Relationship: 2021,  20221T-2T 2023

- Visits and Meetings Agenda:   201920202021, 20222023

Accreditations and Certificates

- Statistical information of ISFOC Web portal and access to social networks