Localizacion y contacto


Poligono Industrial La Nava III (Ctra. N-420 km 155,7)
C/ Francia, 7
13500 Puertollano (Ciudad Real)


Telefono: +34 926 441673
Fax: 926429142
e-mail: isfoc@isfoc.com


Breaking News

Escrito el 30/11/2021, 16:46
finalizacion-proyecto-cpv4h2-inglesEl ISFOC pone en operación el primer sistema de generación de hidrógeno verde de alta eficiencia “Proyecto CPV4H2 - Sistema piloto de producción de...
Escrito el 09/04/2021, 10:51
Escrito el 27/11/2020, 07:42
cpv4h2-technical-audit-milestone-2CPV4H2 Project partners, ISFOC, BSQ Solar and H2B2, achieve their firsts results in the production of Green Hydrogen On October 21st, 2020, the...
Escrito el 06/03/2020, 07:32
end-drones4cip El proyecto DRONES4CIP en el que participan las empresas AEORUM, AYESA e ISFOC (empresa adscrita a la Consejería de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Junta...
Escrito el 04/07/2018, 11:33
memberseuropeanerasmusMembers of the European Erasmus Plus Project visit ISFOC Members of the European Erasmus Plus Project have recently visited ISFOC. This Project is...
Escrito el 11/04/2018, 13:46
isfoc-visits-the-techological-center-of-clay-in-toledoISFOC visits the Arcilla Technological Centre in Toledo This 10 April, the Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración has held a meeting with...
Escrito el 21/12/2017, 12:53
greatparticipationconferenceGreat participation success in the Conference “R&D finance in business projects. Uses and applications of Renewable Energies” The General...
Escrito el 19/10/2017, 07:03
fianciacioni-d-iproyectosempresarialesinglesCONFERENCE “Financing of R+D+i in Business Projects: Uses and Applications of Renewable Energies” Location: C/Francia 7. Polígono Industrial La Nava III....
Escrito el 09/10/2017, 15:37
isfoc-visits-circe-foundationISFOC visits CIRCE Foundation Last Monday, 19 September 2017, some researchers from the Institute for Concentration Photovoltaics Systems (ISFOC) visited...
Escrito el 17/09/2017, 14:42
puesta-en-marcha-proyecto-clamber-inglesStart-up of the CLAMBER project in Puertollano The mayor, Mayte Fernández, said that the commissioning of the CLAMBER plant, a project that, in her...
Escrito el 04/05/2017, 14:42
participationcpv13ISFOC´s Participation in the International Conference CPV13 ISFOC has actively participated in the International Conference CPV13, celebrated in Ottawa...
Escrito el 10/02/2017, 16:25
isfoc-innovatesmeISFOC - Innovative SME The Institute for Concentration Photovoltaics Systems again confirms its condition as an Innovative SME member, since it...
Escrito el 10/02/2017, 09:55
lauch4cipprojectDRONES4CIP: Drones for Critical Infrastructure Protection Last 6 February 2017, the first working meeting of the Project, “DRONES4CIP: Drones for...
Escrito el 03/11/2016, 16:26
isfoc-incorporara-nuevas-empresas-espanolas-en-su-proyecto-masdarcity-2ISFOC will incorporate new Spanish companies in its "MASDAR CITY" Project ISFOC faces the second phase of its Agreement with MASDAR, a subsidiary of...
Escrito el 26/06/2016, 16:29
isfoc-undertakes-last-stage-project-solarplugISFOC undertakes the last stage of the Project SOLARPLUG   The Institute for Concentration Photovoltaics Systems is performing the last stage of...
Escrito el 26/08/2015, 16:30
masdar-solar-hub-2Masdar Solar Hub — UAE’s First Independent Solar Testing And R&D Facility Ver noticia 
Escrito el 14/07/2015, 16:23
plataforma-tecnologica-espanola-de-fotovoltaica-2The Spanish Photovoltaic Technology Platform (Fotoplat) continues its work with the meeting of the Management Committee, on 14 June, at the headquarters...
Escrito el 16/04/2015, 16:34
concedido-el-proyecto-theseus-2Awarded the "Theseus Project" The general objective of the THESEUS Project is the design, development, prototyping, and validation/monitoring of a low...
Escrito el 30/01/2015, 16:33
reunion-cierre-proyecto-innpacto-sigmamodulos-2Closing Meeting on the "Sigmamódulos" Innpacto Project On 3 July 2014, the closing meeting of the INNPACTO project, “Sigmamódulos: The Innovation of...
Escrito el 30/01/2015, 16:27
concesion-del-proyecto-solarplug-2Conceción del proyecto "SOLARPLUG" El ISFOC desarrollará el proyecto SOLARPLUG. Recientemente, la Consejería de Economía, Empresas y Empleo de la JCCM...
Escrito el 30/01/2015, 16:23
isfoc-caso-de-exito-2The European Commission on regional policy in R+D+i matters identifies ISFOC as a success story. This can be seen on the R+D+i Public Policy Network...
Escrito el 30/01/2015, 16:23
primeros-resultados-del-proyecto-innpacto-2Initial results of public-private CPV collaboration projects to maintain the leadership and the Spanish brand in the sector. The first annual follow-up...
Escrito el 30/01/2015, 16:21
prima-para-las-plantas-de-demostracion-2“There should be a stipend for the demonstration plants,” suggests Paqui Rubio, the director of R+D of the Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de...
Escrito el 03/10/2014, 16:32
cierre-proyecto-innoempresa-2014-webener-2Closure of the 2014 Innoempresa Project, “WEBENER.” On 3 October 2014, the INNOEMPRESA 2014 project has closed, ending the development of the Energy...
Escrito el 10/02/2014, 16:22
lanzamiento-de-plataforma-fotoplat-2The Spanish Photovoltaic Technology Platform, FOTOPLAT, began its journey with the meeting of the Management Committee. It was held on 20 March, at the...
Escrito el 30/01/2014, 16:21
record-de-eficiencia-en-nuevo-modulo-de-cpv-2Isfoc colabora en las medidas del nuevo módulo de alta concentración de semprius. Dicho módulo ha obtenido el record alcanzando el 33,9% de...
Escrito el 30/01/2013, 16:24
cpv-international-2014ISFOC will participate in the event, “CPV International 2013 - 4th Concentration Photovoltaics Conference & Exp,” held on 21 and 22 March 2013 in...
Escrito el 28/09/2012, 16:24
isfoc-participa-en-la-eu-pvsec-2013ISFOC has participated in the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, held in Frankfurt from 24-28 September 2012. ISFOC has made an...
Escrito el 19/04/2012, 16:22
isfoc-anfitrion-de-cpv-9ISFOC was the host of the CPV-8 International Conference on Concentration Photovoltaics. This conference was held in Toledo from 16-18 April 2012, and...
Escrito el 10/10/2011, 16:20
visitita-del-comite-cientifico-2ISFOC has received its Scientific Advisory Committee in its facilities, composed of high-level scientists from several international centres and...
Escrito el 30/01/2011, 16:19
isfoc-participa-activamente-en-la-eupvsec-2012In the week of 5-9 September, the EUPVSEC 2011, European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, was held in Hamburg. This year, Hamburg has...

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